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Monday, August 24, 2009

Pest du jour

In New York, we have cockroaches (note: we have em here too, only they are the size of your fist, found mostly outdoors, and pleasantly referred to as, palmetto bugs. Oh, come on. I don't care what the fuck you call it, if its big enough to blink at me and I can hear it chewing, it doesn't belong in my house unless it's shitting in a litter box).

Anyway, I've just discovered that here in Louisiana, the most popular pests are love bugs.

Don't be fooled by the dippy Disneyfication of their name. Love bugs are really kind of gross.

Upon first glance they appear to be two-headed fireflies. Examine closer and you will see that in actuality they are two members of the opposite sex copulating. Apparently, love bugs start out as larvae (or, ew, maggots, to the lay person), feeding on rotting vegetation, then grow to full size and spend the remainder of their lives screwing:

From the Wiki: The male and female attach themselves at the rear of the abdomen and remain that way at all times, even in flight. In fact, after mating, the male dies and is dragged around by the female until she lays her eggs.

Sounds horribly romantic, doesn't it?

And by romantic, I mean creepy and kind of depressing. How is it that even in the insect world, the woman is expected to carry around the dead weight of some dude whose only contribution is to donate sperm???


  1. Hey, Kristen... do you know what I was doing while reading your misandrystic post? Feeding my infant daughter.

  2. Oh, there's one other bit of sunshine with the love bugs. Their guts eat through the paint on your car. On the highway during love bug season, you will notice swarms of them. So be sure to keep the dead bodies scrubbed off.

    Wish I had something good to say about them, but I don't.

  3. I wouldn't mind having someone carry my dead weight around for a while instead of the other way around.

  4. Makes me glad I'm not in LA lol I don't think the love bugs have made it up here yet. At least I haven't seen them. Of course, the mosquitoes here are damn near big enough to carry off small children.

  5. I love your take on the palmetto bugs.! I describe them as cockroaches that are so big you can see their muscles, and the fly... and chase you when you try to kill then with bug spray in the house. That's a warning btw.

  6. Just think, you never imagined having such things to write about when moving to the South.

  7. Hysterical! Krissyface, you are the tits.
