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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bumper Snickers

People sure like to express their opinions via rear bumpers here. I suppose it's a nice way to get a point across while safe in the confines of your pickup truck.

This morning I saw not one but TWO gems:

"Annoy a liberal: Work hard and smile!"


"Pray the rosary for pro life!"

Whoa. We are so not in NYC anymore.


  1. Nothing beats "truck balls" though, don't you think?

  2. And this was on Jeremy's car?

  3. Pray the rosary for pro life...


    If I pray using a rosary, I am somehow enhancing the pro life agenda? HOW???

    Is rosary prayer an aspect of effective pro life advocates? Like... I dunno, not leaving the house naked?

    I'm pretty sure I would be unhappy in the deep south.

  4. Stealing this... "Annoy a liberal: Work hard and smile!"

  5. LOL, you should get one of those evolution fish with legs stickers for your car.

    Or maybe not. They might run you off the road. Southern churchies have no sense of humor.

  6. How many trucks with fully filled gun racks in the back window have you spotted?

  7. KZ, freakin hilarious!!! And...totally wrong.

    Jack, No, if Jeremy's car had bumper stickers, they'd be of a libertarian bent. I'm not sure what they'd say...'Honk if you like libertarians'?

    Scoot, I am pretty sure you're right.

    Spro, wait, stealing it? No, wait. You can have it.

    Pru, I'm gonna play it safe for now. Just a bumper sticker of my kid's school name. Um. I don't want my new baby getting keyed and shit.

    Nite, I actually haven't spotted any... I think, honestly, as far as southern cities go, Baton Rouge is pretty diverse and, it's been my experience, rather progressive. They even have an attachment parenting group here!!!

  8. Baton Rouge PROGRESSIVE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, denial is such a beautiful thing.. T-Shirt I saw in a bar last week - Hitler made great speeches too, with a picture of Obama on it. Make no mistake, racist, conservative morons run this town. It has it's good points, every place is good and bad in their own way, but being progressive is not one of Baton Rouge's qualities, unfortunately:(
