We did, however, hit some local hot spots (mostly our back yard patio with several bottles of wine), and the Mighty Mississipp, and the Capitol Building downtown, where we were fortunate enough to catch a rally with the Tea Party Express. This was great fun for my left-leaning Yankee kin, whom I was hoping to treat to a little red state flavor whilst they were enjoying all the other good stuff Baton Rouge has to offer. It did not disappoint.
We got to hear original songs about universal healthcare and euthanizing the elderly, while peaceful demonstrators waved signs that read, "I DIDN'T VOTE FOR THE OBAM-INATION", and "Just say No to Tyranny!"
It was awesome. I think my mother didn't end up in this picture because she was trying to get a picture of a sign that some guy had on his golden retriever that said, 'Revolt Against Socialism'.
It was an interesting five minutes, but our time was better spent at The Chimes by the University, where we introduced my mom and sister to Crawfish Etouffe and Boudin Balls and made my nephew eat fried alligator by telling him it was chicken fingers. Is that wrong?
Anyway, Happy Tuesday, Mofos! For your amusement, here is the Tea Party Express's signature tune, belted out for us by singer and self proclaimed "Black Teabagger", Lloyd Marcus.
Yes, he calls himself that.
ReplyDeleteThat song is beyond corny.
They do know that the TARP was implemented by George Bush, right? Or that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act cut their taxes?
It's almost like some cynical partisans are encouraging horribly misinformed and under informed citizens to demonstrate, fully knowing that what they are demonstrating against is pretty benign and in the best interest of the middle class...
it's disturbing to see how many folks just act like lemmings and blindly follow a cause they know nothing about. I am not sure how an anti-taxation rally turned into an 'I hate Obama' rally, but man, the hostility. Give him time, folks! He was handed a shitstorm, he's trying!
ReplyDeleteit's just as disturbing to see how many folks act like lemmings and blindly follow a cause they know nothing about today as it has been the past eight years.
ReplyDeleteU and Lily are the cutest... shit... ever
I hate that guy. Guess which guy.